Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just Beau With It

 Seven of the bunch (one is the photographer) took the same three-hour flight from LAX to Houston, where we had a four-hour layover, followed by a flight on a TINY plane into the Gulfport Biloxi, MS airport. Here we are waiting for two other members of the bunch. Little did we know Deanna missed her flight and left scared-to-fly Tye all alone to bear the turbulence and small plane on her own. Not to worry, they both made it safely!

We're staying at the glamorous Best Western PLUS: Oak Manor, where we share a parking lot with a Waffle House. Here we are upon our arrival, getting straight to bonding, during what is now a typical hallway party. Security has been called only once (though it is only day two).

Even classier than the proximity to the Waffle House, the Oak Manor is across the street from the fanciest casino is Biloxi, the Beau-Rivage (said with a lazy French/Cajun accent). Anyone who's been to Las Vegas can recognize that the Beau is the evil twin of the Mirage. Rumor has it, they are owned by the same people.... though if they aren't someone should definitely sue someone else.

Marina crosses the street to the Beau. We quickly found out  it's where you Beau big, or you Beau home. 

Our first group picture (minus Starla who was currently en route from New Orleans) with a celebratory Kamikaze at the Beau. Can you find [Part]Amy? Where's Waldo?!

Day One: Orientation at the Innovation Center. 

Waiting for Orientation to begin. The innovation center held many eclectic companies, including "Bob's Cats." Literally a single room with the door locked and the blinds shut. Welcome to Mississippi.

After orientation, the group headed to Walmart to pick up a few supplies for lunch. Other things on the list: Socks, underwear, shoes, bathing suits, lactaids and board games. Here's a picture of Jene installing the batteries in CatchPhrase with out having to purchase a screwdriver. 

On the way to dinner, a tornado warning hit the radio airwaves. Should we turn around? Please... we're the Biloxi Bunch! We braved the storm and continued on to our Crawfish Poboys. Here is Tye and Jeff being blown away by the wind!

Full group shot at Snappers Seafood during the storm. Just behind us, the sky is falling.

Our two drivers, Amy and Alex. While at dinner, a gentleman-caller asked Amy if she was attached, to which Amy replied, "attached to what?!" Here she is trying to ward off said gentleman-caller.

Tye enjoying her seafood.

Our 15-passenger van, which really only fits 14. Good thing we're a group of 13!

Since we had an early wake-up call for our first day of building, we decided to take the night in and watch Southpark and Family Guy. Here we are curled up four and three to each bed.

Don't worry! We didn't build the entire house in a day. This is a finished Habitat home which we use as inspiration while building ours Notice that the house is on stilts - Habitat regulation requires all new homes to be built above sea-level. 

The gossip-water-cooler where our morning and end of day meetings are held. 

Picking out our  required hardhats, mis-matching gloves and tool aprons.

Adding name tags to our hardhats so that we could be referred to by our actual names, before a potential hammer would hit our heads - we wouldn't turn around if someone called out Flossie.

Getting pumped for our first build - advertising (and gaming) style.

The group breaks for lunch. While some strolled to the nearby beach, others held a picnic around the van while getting to know one of our site leaders, Brad.

Here is Brad (or should we call him Gilligan?)

Alex staying healthy by consuming his daily serving of fruits and veggies via pouch.

Jene staying healthy by napping.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment! 
Alli and Julia 

1 comment:

  1. You guys rule. Glad you made it there safely. Rock on!
